Thursday, November 30, 2017

Coldfusion CFTHROW

Are you using CFThrow to throw custom exception in ColdFusion ? Wait. Read this article before using CFThrow in your application otherwise you will end up in slowing down your application.
Blow is the syntax of CFThrow

To throw an exception we are either required provide object of type java.lang.Throwable or use type information. There is no performance issue if you use object but if you are using type then you might slow down your application performance.

To understand the performance issue we are required to understand how coldfusion work if we you CFTHROW with type.  Coldfusion is responsible to create the exception object to be thrown and coldfusion use type information to create the exception object. The value of TYPE attribute could be the fully qualified java class name or some arbitrary string. Coldfusion always try to first lookup class with the name equal to the value of TYPE attribute using classloader which is slow and synchronized operation. If classloader is able to find class definition then object will be created using loaded definition and thrown else object of CustomException will be thrown.

With the of use some arbitrary value in TYPE attribute instead of fully qualified class name then classloader won't be able to find class definition and store value in cache. So every time we use  CFTHROW classloader will be required to search the class as class doesn't exists.  But if we use valid java class then classloader won't be required to search class the load as it will be in class loader cache after first load operation. 

So, use CFTHROW tag with either object attribute or type attribute with fully qualified class name.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hybris Collections Performance Improvement

When you are working in Hybris with one to many relation and relation contains more than 100 elements then you are should modify the below setting.


The default value of this setting is 100. This value controls the number to child entities to fetch when working with one to many relation.

Oracle the max value for this setting is 1000.

Hybris Jalo Session

In Hybris 5.4 or below the Jalo sessions remain in memory for next 30 minute or default session timeout even after the user has logout or his session expired.

If you are using hybris 5.4 or below, you are required to set the following flag to true close the session after the user has logout or his session expired


Hybris Cart Management

In Hybris when the user logout from the application, then Hybris delete the cart associated with the user.

Hybris provides the setting to override this behavior. Set the following property to false to change this behavior.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

GWT + Spring Security

Spring security is matured framework for the authentication and GWT is the modern framework to provide a rich internet application. In my project I am using both of these project.But while integrating both of these framework I face some problems and would like to share with you.

To understand the problem we should know how spring security handle security exception. In spring we can classify exceptions into authentication exception + authroization exception. To handle spring security exception spring provide exceptiontranslationfilter. When exceptiontranslationfilter catches authentication excetion it uses authenticationentrypoint property and default implementation of authenticationentrypoint redirect user to login page. When exceptiontranslationfilter catches authorization exception it uses accessDeniedHandler property and default implementation of accessDeniedHandler redirect user to access denied page. Spring also provide ConcurrentSessionFilter which stop user from multiple login and if detect multiple login it also redirect to session expired date.

Now above the discussion it is clear that spring filters redirect user in case of exception. But in gwt all rpc call for server are ajax call and if the ajax call triggers security exception we cann't use spring default behavior which redirect user. So how to handle them.

There is one more thing, in gwt all the server call are handled by RemoteServiceServlet and this servlet catches all the exception and serialize them in the gwt serialize format. So exceptiontranslationfilter will not catches any exception.And client will only get status code exception and client code won't be able to display proper message to user.

To solve issue related to RemoteServiceServlet I override its doUnexpectedFailure method and check if the reason of this exception is SpringSecurityException and if it is SpringSecurityException I just throw SpringSecurityException from doUnexpectedFailure method instead to serializing them.

In FilterChainProxy bean I created two filter chains, one to handle RPC calls and one to handle non RPC call. For all the gwt rpc call I wrote custom implementation of concurrentSessionFilter and exceptionTranslationFilter. In the custom implementation of these filter re- throw these exceptions. And to handle all these exception I add one new filter above the springSecurityFilterChain in web.xml and this filter intercepts all gwt rpc calls. This filter catches all the security exception and serializes them.

public class SecurityExceptionWrapperFilter implements Filter
private FilterConfig filterConfig;

public void destroy()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException
if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest && res instanceof HttpServletResponse)
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
chain.doFilter(req, res);
catch ( e)
writeResponse(request, response, serializeException(e));
catch (SerializationException ex)
{ RPCServletUtils.writeResponseForUnexpectedFailure(filterConfig.getServletContext(), response, ex);
catch (IOException ex)
RPCServletUtils.writeResponseForUnexpectedFailure(filterConfig.getServletContext(), response, ex);
chain.doFilter(req, res);

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException
this.filterConfig = filterConfig;

public String serializeException(Exception e) throws SerializationException
final Map, Boolean> whitelist = new HashMap, Boolean>();
whitelist.put(SecurityException.class, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(RuntimeException.class, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(Exception.class, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(Throwable.class, Boolean.FALSE);
whitelist.put(, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(, Boolean.TRUE);
whitelist.put(, Boolean.TRUE);
StandardSerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = new StandardSerializationPolicy(whitelist);
return RPC.encodeResponseForFailure(null, e, serializationPolicy);

private void writeResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String responsePayload)
throws IOException
boolean gzipEncode = RPCServletUtils.acceptsGzipEncoding(request)
&& shouldCompressResponse(request, response, responsePayload);
RPCServletUtils.writeResponse(filterConfig.getServletContext(), response, responsePayload, gzipEncode);

protected boolean shouldCompressResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String responsePayload)
return RPCServletUtils.exceedsUncompressedContentLengthLimit(responsePayload);


Spring Security Overview

Spring Security is a Java/Java EE framework that provides advanced authentication, authorization for enterprise application with in few configuration steps. Spring security is most matured and widely use spring framework. In this article will discuss how to integrate spring authentication with a web application
To integrate spring security with the enterprise application you need to add one filter to your web.xml
<filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class> </filter>

DelegatingFilterProxy is a spring class which delegates all intercepted http request to the bean name same as filter name (in this case to the bean name springSecurityFilterChain) configured in the global spring context. Global spring context can be configured by adding the following lines in the web.xml



The bean with name springSecurityFilterChain can be created automatically by adding the following lines in the spring context file

<http auto-config='true'>
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER" />

There are few more namespace that you need to add to tell which database provider to use for authentication. These namespace configuration automatically create the required beans.

The other way to use spring authentication is to create all the beans manually. I prefer this way it actually help to customize spring security as per your needs. Example, to create springSecurityFilterChain bean you need to add following line in your context file

<b:bean id="filterChainProxy" class="">
<b:property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource">
/**/*.jsp=concurrentSessionFilter,httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,logoutFilter,authenticationProcessingFilter,securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter, filterInvocationInterceptor, securityTransalationFilter

In this way you have you specify all the names of the filter beans from which you want a particular web request need to pass. For all the beans name you specify in this method, you have to create a beans with same using spring bean classes or you can also add your custom bean by extending your bean class with .

Spring security for authentication provide the following filters

  1. ChannelProcessingFilter
  2. ConcurrentSessionFilter
  3. HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter
  4. LogoutFilter
  5. X509PreAuthenticatedProcessigFilter
  6. AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter
  7. CasProcessingFilter
  8. AuthenticationProcessingFilter
  9. BasicProcessingFilter
  10. SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter
  11. RememberMeProcessingFilter
  12. AnonymousProcessingFilter
  13. ExceptionTranslationFilter
  14. NtlmProcessingFilter
  15. FilterSecurityInterceptor
  16. SwitchUserProcessingFilter

Each of these filter have there own task as suggested by there name. Note you need to add them in filter chain in a sequence as suggested by there position attribute.

Coldfusion CFTHROW

Are you using CFThrow to throw custom exception in ColdFusion ? Wait. Read this article before using CFThrow in your application otherwis...